Before sending us a mail, please read the following

  • If you forgot the Login PIN then please create a new account.
  • If someone is insulting you and you are bothered, please log out of your account and stop using our service.
  • If you have used a service called anonymous messages, you must understand that identity of users sending you messages are not stored. Hence, there are no ways to understand who sent you the messages.
  • If someone is abusing you, there is no way from our side to understand who messaged you. I completely understand your concern but that's how our website works.
  • Please read our Terms and Condition page also.
  • If someone is spamming, please create a new account.
  • If you want to delete your account, tap on the settings button on the Inbox page.
  • If you want to stop receiving notifications, tap the padlock icon ( ) in the URL bar on your browser and then click on site settings. Then disable push notification there. You can also search for step-by-step guide on Google by typing disable push notification on Android browser.
  • In every mail, please include your link. It is important.
  • If you see anything unusual, then please describe it to us in the mail.

Contact us if you still have something important to say.

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